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tv   [untitled]    March 7, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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see what nature can give you on. the. international pressure graze on the course and france draft a u.n. resolution on a no fly zone over libya and president obama threatening with military intervention the violence doesn't stop there more on this join me want to inject a few moments. also the whole story the media reporting from libya is accused of blowing the unrest out of proportion to get headlines as conflicting reports keep the truth hidden from view. and the massive inflow of illegal immigrants from violence torn arab countries fuels muslim sentiments in the european countries
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taking them in. from the studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with twenty four hours a day international pressure is growing against colonel gadhafi and nato is boosting its surveillance flights over libya to twenty four hours a day as president obama says the u.s. is considering possible military intervention in france is said to be drafting a u.n. resolution aimed at imposing a no fly zone and they're also suggestions america's are saudi arabia weapons to opposition fighters carnality is correspondent in washington d.c. and nor am it in london have the latest. well the no fly zone is very much what it says on the tin it's in which planes are allowed to fly essentially and what it would mean is that it would give allied planes the right to shoot down anything but
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of course inside libya and the idea behind that is to prevent colonel gadhafi from turning his air force on his own people from attacking civilians so that's basically what it would do now we do know. and france is said to be drafting a u.n. resolution for a no fly zone william hague the foreign secretary here says that he's working closely with his partners on what he's calling a contingency basis on elements of a resolution for a no fly zone and we've heard from a foreign office source that it's only going to be used in the case that it's needed but no decision has been taken yet to present it to the security council we've also heard more recently that nato has boosted airplane surveillance over libya to twenty four hours a day seven days a week and rather common asli they have said that that is part of a contingency plan that would go beyond humanitarian aid to libya now in the events
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that this no fly zone resolution is presented this to the security council it may not go down particularly well russia as we know has a veto on the u.n. security council and the foreign minister sergey lavrov has reiterated that russia is very much against any kind of foreign intervention in the situation in libya. we've already made it clear we do see. it as a means of solving the crisis in libya. problems. with the help of guns. but of course a lot of commentators are saying that they see shades of iraq in this we had a no fly zone in fermented ahead of the two thousand and three invasion of iraq and critics of that mayflies it said that in fact resulted in more civilian casualties and there would. being without it we have also rather worrying claims that it's after he possesses chemical weapons which is of course exactly the line that we
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were sold to the head of the invasion of iraq in two thousand and three let's not go to washington d.c. it seems like pressure on gadhafi is mounting on your side of the ocean president obama said military involvement in libya is possible he did not specify whether he was talking about direct or indirect involvement the u.s. has reportedly asked saudi arabia if it can supply weapons to the rebels in being gal's the saudis have been told that opponents of the need anti-tank rockets mortars and ground to air missiles to shoot down could alpha's fighter bombers the situation in libya is critical as it is with hundreds of people dead and with gadhafi saying he will fight until the last man standing and this reported arm supply that could come from the saudis upon the request of the united states could inflame the situation even more it is also being reported that the supplies could reach within forty eight hours so we could be some two days away from a full fledged civil war in leave you know with the involvement of western powers and here is what makes the arming the rebels possibility even more alarming
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americans themselves have estimated the bleeding especially the is through part of the country which is where the rebels that reportedly gain control is where is home to a large number of jihadist they make up a fifth of jihadist it's enough to say that one of the rebel leaders the northeast the bengazi was once osama bin laden's personal driver the question here is whether the u.s. is going to end up putting weapons in the hands of radicals and destabilizing the region even more well you know discuss the possibility of a foreign intervention in libya with culshaw who's a writer and commentator in the goodness in london also as the director of middle east projects at george mason university. i don't think military intervention on the ground would be a good idea at this moment and neither he or the those who are fighting against position would agree that call have been from a position. of his doing and for. themselves at the
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moment that. should have a failure in the international community before intervening doesn't mean that we have to give up and the international community completely just because they are in other places it doesn't mean we have to give up it means we have to change the way intervention and troops there is changing the way of intervention we now coming in the international community should then come into a kid by libya but give a safe place where civilians are being killed to create that could really happen is to show that any form of military intervention whether it's humanitarian or well competent i mean. do you agree with what you just heard there could be effective some form of intervention oh absolutely not i mean you could be effective but it's not for the desired effects and when i say that desired effect desired desired by the people themselves and if they if they want to follow a course of action they know what it would cost and they take this. kind of regulations and risk but let me look at it this way if you say north fly zone is
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not a form of intervention but what if the north present you do anything and this goes into a protracted struggle then what you will hear is there are calls for the west having already committed themselves to commit itself further and then you can only complicate the situation more in. the fog of war has settled over the ongoing unrest in libya there are conflicting reports on the number of killed strikes by gadhafi forces even the number of cities controlled by the opposition and also each wave of reports suggesting colonel gadhafi was doomed turned out to be exaggerations at best will has more now from tripoli. the situation here in the libyan capital tripoli is calm it's business as usual with people back on the streets traffic is at its usual rate shops and businesses are open and so is a strong public display of support for colonel gadhafi getting a good posters of the. hong people are braving. the need to show their support for him wherever we go almost flanked by groups of protesters who are
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chanting long live gadhafi and other slogans in libya and it's not a yes it's. needed here in the libyan capital so it does seem as if the last few weeks of reporting particularly by the only western media that gadhafi was using force and that the country is on the brink of a civil war seem to have not much there not that much water my colleagues on the boyko explored at the phenomenon of how the western media has been reporting the story for the let's take a look. of the war in comprehensible as it sounds it's present in any conflict just days ago these parents feared for their children's lives today they're taking their pictures in front of the tanks the desire to be captured the last thing in the face of danger is even stronger image of journalists and the conflict in libya is providing a perfect setting for it on t.v.
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screens been ghazi will look like the center of the rebel resistance in the country is working to another day of colonel gadhafi may have lost the welfare of his country they watched these bombs fall from the skies but in reality it's more like a seaside resort been a conflict zone he told the food books with journalists and residents go about their daily lives here boys are looking for new things to play with toy guns are in careful supply. here some reports some from ghazi refer to the situation in eastern libya as war another conflict zone where rebels are engaged in sporadic and. oscillated pitch battles with prove it out to force this but an all out war moammar gadhafi is striking back forces loyal to libyan leader moammar gadhafi appeared to be advancing east libya's leader moammar gadhafi has fled the country with rebels professing their readiness to fight good after his regime to the bitter end no wonder news reports a caring predictions of in an uncivil war yet as the rebels inability to mount
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a fully fledged offensive becomes more apparent so is the unbalanced nature of the coverage rather than being impartial observers thought the networks stopped short of directing the protesters but here the out you see her crew is warming up the crowd in time for their next life. was one of the first reporters to arrive in benghazi for several days she's been traveling with the rebels about two hundred kilometers west of basically at some point the pro-government forces opened fire and her crew the focal point of the report there's a war going on and where the real like it or not there is that there is a frontline you know and there are people with guns and there are two sides fighting he's channels know that gunfire and explosions sneak for strong he but they also can help to glow things solution with journalists as they go to report freely from tripoli and all they get off
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a controlled parts of libya son can find themselves sucked in by the rebel side of the story their goals are just opening up to journalists they just love them and. just whenever they take one city we go with them and then we go into into the other city reporters need to gravel's to here in the opposition's press center in ghazi internet access isn't restricted because here available twenty four hours the message is on the wall and sometimes points its way into reports usually. government forces. in the. these an edge of one of the city's the weapons depot had already been taken over by the rebels and it was a government weapons depot to be given to the rebels took it over but when get out he. was he was the enemy and he would see if you did release a terrorist if canadian forces marched into washington d.c. and took over the pentagon and we responded nobody would call the american
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government a terrorist you know own interests many people think that being one correspondent takes a lot of courage and hard work but actually. it's much easier and far more into or involves routine journalistic assignments especially when they were sitting side is so accommodating the problem here and it being god is that some reporters became not only part of the story but its main driving force and instead of hoping that full blown confrontation and bloodshed could get her almost calling for it kind of like i didn't see the. world affairs expert steven cohen says what's happening in libya won't necessarily bring about democracy and there's a full interview with the new york academic in the next hour here on. united states has intervened militarily in so many countries in my lifetime and very and were really as it worked out for the better american intervention discredits the
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alternative to the tyranny of its being overthrown because you're going to pierce the tyrant was overthrown with the backing of the united states then the forces in favor of domestic democracy we saw that in addition what we're witnessing in egypt and in libya. it's not clear these are pro-democracy movements here or user and. despotic movements they want to get rid of the dictator but getting rid of a dictator and one of many countries doesn't mean necessarily democracy that's a process. thousands of illegal immigrants escaping political turmoil in north africa continue to arrive on the southern italian island of lampedusa their presence next likely to feel the feeling that multiculturalism has failed and a europe also seeing a resurgence of the far right and now entering the debate is the new german minister of the interior in question is not its presence in his country not his
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course not the new bushell has more now from brussels. islam does not belong in germany according to the country's new interior minister peter friedrich added that immigrants must learn to speak german first and foremost and node germany's quote western christian origins countries four million muslims are up in orms he crying a slap in the face for all muslims and it comes off the charts and britain's leader david cameron said the efforts to create a multicultural society in europe had failed the arrival of thousands of immigrants from the middle east and north africa fleeing that violence has inflamed a population already suffering from record unemployment and general economic hardship in neighboring france the extreme right national front party will take first place in the first round of presidential elections there next year according
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to a new poll penn is expected to get twenty three percent of the vote that's ahead of president nicolas sarkozy the incumbent and the socialist opposition as world party the national front has called for three million europeans to be sent out of the country to give you a flavor of their program both here and in belgium also in france there is next month expected to be positive rule or law banning the full face veil the defenders of the law say that it's to stop violent protests for example recently many protesters have of warm veils to protest against various things and they say it's not targeting the muslim population but of course many muslims are up in arms about that neighboring italy has perhaps been the worst affected many immigrants have fled there just across the shore the mediterranean from north africa and the middle east and there's been an astonishing rise in right wing politics there as well.
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italy's dolce vito is turning bitter unemployment is a near record high and analysts believe much needed economic growth might still be years away more of a fresh scandals engulfing prime minister berlusconi are being reported on a daily basis fueling italians traditional distrust of politicians bad news yes but not for everyone grassroots political movements rather than parties cashing in on this grim state of affairs among the neo fascist ones you know this is italy's cause a pound of all our plan to take everything this is this we know water the multicultural multiethnic parts of the bustling community of asian middle east and north african residents living side by side but here in this six story building sense the headquarters of it is most prominent the fast growing radical right because the
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power. named after us spurred as a pound and unwavering support of mussolini's fascist regime this building is known to seventy of the movement's members because of pan support has grown a long side the unemployment rate italy is a country of all people it is hard for the young to find a job will make their voices heard we're not only a generation deprived of our future but also of our present. because abounds present with its brand of revamped third millennium fascism is one of rapid growth through its intensive gender discussion forums is splitting rock concerts and swat actions the movement is on the up and up we believe that fascism was a grand period in italy's past all of cultural and artistic splendor we casually label ourselves as fascists we are witnessing the end of the political parties rule movements such as this one will prevail against them members also claim there are an anti racist anti discrimination movement but they just playing the political
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correctness game. the movement's members deny any wrongdoing and came the media and leftist politicians i'm misrepresenting them the disconnect between lawmakers in the electrodes in italy is drawing with an opposition virtually dominated by anti business going to rhetoric and a shattered ruling coalition seemingly more focused on its leaders legal issues there on the country's fate for some here even mussolini a dead dictator seems to be more appealing matches stevens rome trotsky. well you can get more on this thought provoking store in a website that r.t. dot com and also online right now reset all over those two years after the russia u.s. ties real experts boys concerned that this we set of rules hama. can destroy the country and prays for russian democracy gorbachev next legacies explored an. exclusive interview. with.
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the chairman of the senate armed services committee says billions more dollars a needed for the u.s. to succeed in afghanistan carl levin believes that washington should not repeat the mistake of thirty years ago when it left behind a power vacuum later filled by the taliban but r.t. military contributor who fought in the soviet campaign says there was a stark difference between then and. thirty years ago this so that army successful an accomplished one of its main mission to build of the professional afghan armed forces and you know why because we thought afghan military officers score there we something to die for for their own country for their own peers and for their own armed forces unlike this so it will interrupt campaign the current
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american mission in afghanistan has nothing to offer neither to have a good officer score nor to afghan people it watch why because the whole american experience in afghanistan these only about profiteering whether it's for consultants vulture's or for their private contractors or for the drug lords in essence the whole american campaign in afghanistan has nothing to do be an ideology fighting against terrorism or insurgency it boils down to one thing to procrastinate these low intensity conflict as long as possible and thus her perch eight and expand a unique opportunity for the whole profiteers in the united states and in afghanistan to squeeze at bigger bang from there but it's invested by the american taxpayers in afghanistan. and in the next hour we'll be looking
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into the use depleted uranium ammunitions in iraq and elsewhere and its repercussions that's in a special report. there in. the east. and the d.v.d. radium in the in the same old number for the bars he goes to springfield are. most dangerous. radiation that exists in the nature. of across the group in the vicinity of known differentiated so produce is so much the genetic changes in leading cancer leukemia. why being out of the immune system. you don't have to have a college degree lawyer to play for an education don't understand. if you should read radioactive materials all over somebody's backyard that you've got
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a problem. well tom let's take a look at some other headlines from around the world and while the day's healthy is of hiding behind presidential immunity for the french leader has gone on trial for corruption he's accused of masterminding a scheme well mayor of paris much public money was used to pay for what benefited his party should i can he's close associates have already been linked to a number of corruption scandals but he's never been convicted. in the u.s. space shuttle discovery has on got from the international space station and began his last journey back to earth the crew said their goodbyes to colleagues on the i assess now orbit the earth for one last time taking a few scenic pictures all along the way and upon landing the spaceship will be ferried off to a museum and one was for decades a flight. critical upset one of hawaii's most active volcanoes ascent molten lava the thing into the sky was matched by dozens of small earthquakes but
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a killer way off has been erupting constantly for almost thirty years with very intensity the ever is now being called not in a nearby park close to the spot reassurances that is a little thing. i'll be back with a recap of the main stories in about seven minutes from now in the meantime we have the latest from the world of business with dimitri. oh you want your business our team is going to have your company this year russian farmers are expected to plant the fewest fields in four years a survey by bloomberg says that's because farmers can not plant war jugement grain export and high ideals of prices and the say this will have an impact on the international grain markets and that russia's role cannot be overestimated over the last two years especially if one looks back over the course of the last decade then russia's importance in terms of being a reliable a very competitively priced exporter for feed greens has really been growing very
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very rapidly and this is really meant that you know from last year as you came to see the f.s.u. countries and russian particular being the source of the most competitively priced feed wheat in the world so you know with the russian ballet in place especially from last year you'd have to see countries of the middle east in importing countries egypt for example which additional resources are russian wheat having to import from more expensive providers like the u.s. or parts of the e.u. so there has been a pretty big public reaction in terms of international prices and russia is one of the countries which is actually crucial in terms of the export side of the dynamics of the global market oil prices are keeping last week's pacers fighting in libya rages on with concerns the unrest may spread to other nearby oil producing countries but investment banking is the price is far higher than real production costs. the oil market is many ways is a perfect what is my concern the long term price is determined normally by the longer so much unfortunately because for the first time ever on each of those per
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barrel and probably work rises much higher result it is certain premium and better than the world price from the fact that there is a lot of political instability around the world but fundamentally how it also shows that eighty dollars per barrel is about the rise most of the action calls for oil and that's the sort of where with respect to be floating around the world. through stock markets now just a reminder here in russia the markets are closed for a public holiday until wednesday stock spin is their last trading session which was saturday in the black chips were higher last week with banking more than one point two percent at saturday's. during twenty two and six international banks announced they want to cut back their presence in the russian banking sector morgan stanley sold its russian mortgage business last year barclays says it's pulling out while spain santander has left the retail mortgage sector but analysts say the russian banking industry is becoming more competitive for international. state comptroller
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banks have become more aggressive. in this more competitive much more competitive market. of scale matters a lot and. didn't have enough scale can be seen to scale so they decided to go for that reason but that does not mean the russian market became an attractive still better attractive with the small competitive. russia's ranks fifty nine for the list of the world's most competitive countries in terms of tourism report come by and by the world economic forum took into account the environment infrastructure and natural resources of one hundred thirty nine countries switzerland tops the list with germany in second place followed by france russia go months for its nature and culture but it's yet soon prove a number of aspects such as security and environmental protection. and that's all
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from the business team for now the headlines are next r.t. to stay with us. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor.
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